Sunday, September 7, 2008

Where does time go?

The first day of junior kindergarten is an exiting time for a least it was for my child. And yet, the eye opening that it brought for me was even more amazing. In 13 days, by baby will be 4 years old. Four years old!! Time flies, I've heard that old adage for years and yet this week the full weight of that expression hit me full force. Junior kindergarten always seemed an eternity away. It would come...someday. Now I find myself standing on the brink of a new educational era for my small bundle of joy. Some days he seems, as he did on his first day of school, like he is wise beyond his years. Ready to launch into the world of friends, teachers, learning and the inevitable lessons of life. And then there are the times when he is snuggled up in my lap that I wish (and maybe he does too) that he could stay my baby forever.

We celebrated his first day of school (staggered entrance, so only one day last week) with a kayaking trip. We rented a kayak and spent two hours touring around islands on the St. Lawrence. He was the captain...and I the engine room behind the oars. "Mommy, go that way", "Mommy let's go back over to that island". We stopped to watch a spider wrap and devour its catch. Loaded our cargo into the boat...seaweed, a lilypad, "shiny" rocks, an orphan acorn drifting at sea.

My goal as a help him learn to maintain the simplicity of life.